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Highfield Primary School
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Year Dates

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Click on the images to see the programme of term dates for Southampton schools for 2010 and 2011. You will need Adobe Acrobat to view or print them. If you don't have this program, a link is included below left.
Term dates 2011 - 2012
Term dates 2012 - 2013
Term Dates 2010 - 2011
Term Dates 2011 - 2012

In addition, the school will be closed for the following Day Closures,

Friday 10th October
Friday 10th February
Friday 30th March
Thursday 28th June
Monday 23rd July

Other Dates

  Thurs 22nd Sept New YR parents R W Inc and Healthy Schools mtg 2.30 in Church Hall 
  Mon 26th Sept – Fri 30th Sept FAIRTHORNE Year 6 only
  29th Sep – 6th Oct Book Fair
  October Black History Month
  Wed 5th Oct Parents eve – early Juniors / late Infants & YR
  Thurs 6th  Oct Harvest (tins etc to school)
  Thurs 6th Oct Parents eve – early Infants and Yr R / late Juniors
Walk and talk for prospective new Year R parents (and children) from 6.00 to 7.00
  Mon 10th Oct INSET day
  24th  – 28th Oct Half term
  Mon 31st Oct Theme week Healthy schools /sports programme
  Mon 31st Oct Pro-Sports Challenge all day
  Fri 18th Nov Children in Need
  Sat 26th Nov Christmas Fair
  Monday 5th Dec Infant Guildhall Concert
  Wed 7th Dec Christmas production Juniors 2.45pm & 6.30 pm
  Thurs 8th Dec Christmas production Infants 2.30pm & 6.15 pm
  19th Dec – 2nd Jan Christmas holidays
  Tues 3rd Jan Panto
  Wed 18th Jan Parents eve – early Juniors / late Infants & YR
  Thurs 19th Jan Parents eve – early Infants / late Juniors & YR
  Fri 20th Jan Year 6 assembly
  Fri 27th Jan Y5 class assembly
  Weds 1st Feb Y3 class assembly
  Fri 3rd Feb Y4 class assembly
  Fri 10th Feb INSET
  13th – 17th Feb Half term
  20th Feb – 24th Feb Book Week/FRIENDS
  Thurs 1st Mar World Book Day
  Tues 13th Mar Open morning
  TBC Sport Relief
  Fri 23rd Mar   Infant Spring Assembly
  Wed 28th Mar Extra parents evening (invitation)
  Thurs 29th Mar Extra parents evening (invitation)
  Fri 30th Mar INSET day
  2nd – 13th April Easter holidays
  Wed 25th April YR parents evening
  Thurs 26th April YR parents evening
  Mon 7th  May Bank Holiday
  20th May Walk to school week
  4th June – 8th June Half term
  Weds 13th June New YR parents evening or 20th
(provisional date)
  11th  – 15th June Awe and Wonder Week
  Thurs 21st June Pop-In 2012 YR after school
  Sat  23rd June Summer Fair
  Mon  25th June Pop-In 2012 YR after school
  Thurs 28th June Inset Day
  Fri 29th June Sports Day  (Olympic Link)
  Mon 2nd July Parent Helpers Tea 2:30
  Wed 4th July Ash class assembly 9:15
  Wed 4th July Transfer day
  Fri 6th July Maple class assembly 9:15
  Tues 10th July Church New Yr R
  Wed 11th  July Oak class assembly 9:15
  Weds 11th July YR parent meeting
  Thurs 12th  July YR parent meeting
  Fri 13th  July Willow class assembly 9:15
  Tues 17th  July Drop-In Parent KS1 / KS2
  Thurs 19th  July Leavers Service
  Fri 20th July Y6 show
  Monday 23rd  July INSET day


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